
Friday, June 25, 2021

It is important that Year 7-8 do Friday Sport

 Today in Te Ao Whanui we are doing a small task to start us off for the period. There is a statement on the TV saying "It is important that year 7-8 do Friday sport" Now you have to rite if you agree or not. Here is what I did for the writing and I hope you enjoy it.

Every day on Friday for 2 hours you go off and do a sports option. This is important to do, here is why.

Most of the time people in school are mostly focusing on school work and making their brain work. Though if there isn't sport getting into any time at school, the kids at the school won't be fit, they would get exercise every week which is important to keep fit and healthy. Doing it on Fridays is a nice break for kids at school because they don't have to do work all day which they have done over the full week. There is also a good variety of sports to choose from to do on Fridays, which I think is good because if you don't like one sport you can choose from the other ones. Doing Friday sports can also have people realise that they like a sport and they can go on to different teams outside of school. Friday sports is two hours which is a good enough time to do sports for and to get the right amount of exercise for the week. Instead of just 7-8's doing Friday sports it would be good for others years to do it as well so they can get exercise during the week as well, the only other sports they would do during the week would be PE, which year 10 and higher have a choice to do it or not which means if they don't choose to do it they won't stay fit unless they do sport outside of school or during breaks.
That is why I think that it is important to do Friday sports.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Music - Orchestras

Hi, guys today in music we were looking at Orchestras. There we some questions you had to research and give a good answer, you could do it on slides, docs, or straight onto your blog. Here is what I did for it and I hope you enjoy it.

They seat the instruments mainly strings in the front woodwinds further back, then brass at the back, and sometimes the higher-pitched instruments are on the left and lower-pitched instruments are on the right. There are quite a lot of the families in orchestras, the string family, Woodwind family, Brass family, and keyboards and harps. The conductor is the most important in an orchestra because they lead the whole thing, they keep people who are playing instruments on task. The biggest family in an orchestra is the string family. There are orchestras in New Zealand, there is one in Wellington named New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and the abbreviation for it is NZSO. People get into an orchestra that you nearly have to attend a great music school, and at least at a master degree level. They also have to have been working with a teacher who had played in an orchestra  Seating plan: the modern classical orchestra & the piano – A Piano Teacher  Writes…

Student Summit

 Hi, guys today I went over to Hornby Primary School to present and do some workshops for the student summit. For the student summit, I presented with Carla on the website Canva. I was kind of nervous presenting because I don't really like to talk in front of others. Though it went pretty well with basically everyone sharing their posters and stuff they made to Miss Tozer. My favourite part of this would probably be watching people do the stop motion. The student summit was kind of boring since all of the workshops I did I quickly realized that I have done them before. The first one I did I didn't do though. While presenting it went surprisingly well and had more people in the classroom than I thought there would be.
If you don't know what the Student Summit is, it's when different schools from the same cluster come together in one place and share what they have been working on during the time. People get to choose what they want to present and then share it with other kids from different classes. Before you present it you have to make a slide or something else that explains what the website or tool you are sharing is, how to use it, give some examples of what to do and then the next day you o to a different school or stay at your own and present it. The two workshops that I did today was Coggle and Wedio. Wedio was we video, which I have used before so I didn't really learn much. Coggle was something that I haven't done before, Coggle was kind of weird but it was really simple to use.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Persuasive Writing - Clothes

 Hi, guys today in Te Ao Whanui we are doing persuasive writing. For this period we looked at doing the OREO plan. Using the OREO plan is figuring out what you're going to talk about which is an opinion, then giving a reason that backs up your opinion, an example for your reasoning, and your opinion once again at the end of your writing. Here is what I did for this and I hope you enjoy it.

Let's talk about clothes. Clothes were created around 114,000 or 30,000 years ago. The first article of clothing would most likely just be made out of fur, leather, leaves, or grass which would've to be draped or wrapped around the body. Think of how life would be without clothes? It would feel weird right? This is why I think you need clothes to survive.

 I think you should need clothes to survive because in freezing cold weather you could get hypothermia and possibly die. When it's raining hard you get saturated, clothes can prevent those two reasons I just gave you. When it's freezing cold you wear long-sleeved tops, cardigans, puffer jackets and more. When it is pouring down rain you wear a rain jacket which is waterproof. Even if the weather wasn't a problem going around not wearing clothes is illegal and you can get arrested. Also, you could get skin problems from not wearing clothes which is unhealthy.

Examples of why it is bad to walk around wearing no clothes are that you can get sunburnt from not wearing anything, you could also possibly get skin cancer, avoiding getting sunburnt is that you could just wear some clothes that don't show as much skin or put on sunscreen. When you are hot, you could just wear tank tops and shorts which prevent you from just walking around places naked. Cold? Just wear a jacket, pants, sweaters. As you can see from the few reasons I have given you and what I said in my introduction that you clearly can't live without clothes without getting skin problems, or even dying of different types of weathers.

Persuasive writing

 Hi, guys today in Te Ao Wahnui we are looking at persuasive writing. We were given a statement which is cats are better pets than dogs. Now you have to write why you disagree or agree with it or not. Here is what I wrote and I hope you enjoy it.

I disagree with the statement cats are better pets than dogs. I disagree because dogs do way more than cats do. Cats usually just lay around and sleep all day and then go out at night time, then they expect you to feed them when they want food. Though you do end up feeding them anyways. Dog's you can do way more with, you can go out for a walk with them, you can play games outside and inside with them, you can also lay down and chill with them on the couch. You can also do this with cats but cats usually do that anyway, or they will just move away from you. That's why I think dogs are better than cats.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Needs vs Wants

 Hi guys last week in Te Ao Whanui we looked at Needs vs Wants. We were told to make a DLO explaining what a need and a want are and providing why something is a need or a want. Here is the DLO I did for the work and I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Expected behaviors - Highlight

 Hi, guys today in wananga we looked at something called Expected Behavior. We were given a sheet that had a list of expected behavior. We got a highlighter or a marker and then we started highlighting the things we know we already do. Once we were done doing that we had to write about something which is on the sheet that you have highlighted and say why you know you do it well. After you've done that you now choose two things that you haven't highlighted and then write about why you don't do it and how you are going to fix it. Here is what I did for the activity and I hope you enjoy it.

Something I know I do well is Being ready for learning. I know that I do this well because I'm always ready at the door, I haven't been late this year at all and I have all of the correct gear for the day. I can keep spaces tidy and not run around and making a mess because instead of just going around making a mess I am doing m work instead. I move on the first bell before the second bell rings because once I hear the bell I get my bag and go to my class. I can mindful of others and know what I say can hurt them or make them feel some type of way. I always bring my device charged and if it's not charged I always bring a charger or go to Barry in the morning and borrow one.
For something that I don't do well is ask questions and ask for help. I know I don't do this well because I normally ask someone else to as for help as well as I don't ask a lot of questions because I don't have the confidence to speak up. For the other thing, I don't really know how to do is encourage and include all my classmates, I don't do this well because I don't really like talking to others which I don't know and trying to encourage them and include this they are kind of difficult.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

DLO - Maths

 Hi, guys today in maths we started looking at some video and finishing the worksheet we had done a week ago. After you did all of those you had to make a DLO explaining the different things. You could work with a partner so I decided that I would work with Carla. Here is the work we did and I hope you enjoy it.

Kiwi Innovators - Electric Fence

Hi, guys today in Te Ao Whanui I finished a kiwi innovator task. For the task, I choose the electric fence. Here is the creating task I did and I hope you enjoy it.

100 word challenge

 Hi, guys today in wananga I've been doing the 100-word challenge for the fast finisher task. The picture was a microphone and a bunch of people blurred out behind it. I didn't really know what to write at first but when I started writing it I got an idea and just went with it. If you don't know what a hundred-word challenge is, it is when you get a picture or a video and then you have to write something from someone's pov in that picture or video, but you can only do it in hundred words which is the most challenging part of it. Here is the picture we got given and my work, I hope you enjoy it.

The day was cold and foggy. I thought it would be warmer but I should get over it anyways. I was going to go up and do a speech in front of hundreds of people. This was really nerve-racking, I have spoken in front of a group before but this is tenfold the number of people I have talked to. I need to get over it though, I need to recite my lines so I can remember what I’m going to say, what if I forget? My throat is a bit dry. Oh, it's my turn now time to go.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Kiwi inovators

 Hi, guys today in Te Au Whanui I finished off the kiwi innovators that I did a few days ago. I finished the creat task today and here it is and I hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Wananga - STEM

 Hi, guys today in Wananga we started looking at our next kete. Which is STEM. STEM can also be STEAM but they aren't sure if the A should be there or not. STEAM stands for Science Technology Engineering Art Maths. For today we started a small activity using A4 paper. You had to work in a group of 3 and try to cut the paper so you can fit through it. But you couldn't use tape nor could you use glue. You could cut it in any way you thought of just everyone in your group had to fit through it. I worked with Carla and Chelsea. We thought that we could just cut through the middle at first but that didn't work so we tried to think of other ways we could do it. We then thought of just going in a circle and cutting it so the paper was small lines, we used the whole paper so it would be pretty big so we could all just fit through it. 
If the paper was bigger it would've been easier to find a way to fit through.
If the paper was smaller it would be harder to find a way, but using the same way we did with the A4 paper you would still be able to do it.
If the cuts weren't as deep I feel like it would still be the same.
If the cuts were closer together the paper would be smaller and easier to break.
If the cuts were further apart the lines would be bigger and it wouldn't take as long to cut.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Te Ao Whanui

 Hi, guys today in Te Ao Whanui we looked at a video called Kaupapa on the couch Get on the Waka! The video was basically just about wakas. Then had a small book to read which is Waka Tapu. We now have to do 3 tasks from a task board. It's kind of like a bingo board but instead, you can choose any task to do.  Here is the work I did and I hope you enjoy it.

Creative writing task 
Imagine you are on a Waka Tapu voyage across the pacific. Describe what it would have been like, hearing smelling, and seeing.

The sound of water splashing against wood fills my ears. I'm sitting down in the waka not really knowing what to do. Staring up at the bright blue sky, trying to make shapes out of many clouds that littered the sky. The water is a dark deep blue. The nice cool breeze makes my hair blow softly.  In the distance, I can see trees and land but we aren't going there. It would be nice though. The weird smell of saltwater fills my nostrils, this isn't a pleasant smell but I'll have to deal with it for the time being.

Words of feelings 

Happy - They are feeling happy because something good happened around them or they are just feeling happy.
Sad - They feel sad because something bad happened to them or someone that they care for.
Lonely - They feel lonely because there aren't people around them or they are being left out.
Angry - They feel angry because someone was being annoying.
Excited - They feel excited because something really good happened or they are excited that something is going to happen.

Traditional instrument 

Fast finisher Task 

The person who deserves recognization for this is the person who wrote it. The book was well written and explained most things.
Something that is getting in the way of this is the government.
In New Zealand, this would be a problem because there is not really a lot of Maori people who aren't out of the country.
We will know when this is acceptable when the government is allowing this to happen.
This is relevant to me and others because it is happening in our country.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Kiwi innovator task

 Hi guys in Te Ao Whanui I finished the task that you had to do and then I just did my create task.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Te Ao Whanui - 3d Cat Armour

 Hi, guys today in Te Ao Whanui our group was looking at critical thinking. We watched a minute of one video and then looked at some articles that had some inventions on them. You had to choose one of those inventions and read about it and do some questions about it. We also had to watch a video which was explaining what critical thinking is. There was an article that I looked at for a long time so I just chose that one which was 3d Cat Armour. This person made armor for cats, the armor was black and it spikes on the top, it also has a small piece of amour for the cattail. Since this is the introduction we have to answer a question that Miss Birtch had gave us which is a critical thinking question.
For the kiwi kid's articles, it isn't bad but I feel like it would be better to read other articles which are from some other places around the world besides just New Zealanders as well as instead of just hearing kids voices hearing older people would be better as well.

People that benefit from this are cat lovers who want to see their own cats in cat amour.
This may be harmful to other cats if another tries to hit one that is wearing the armor and might get hurt by the spikes.
The strength of this is that your cat can cool, your cat could also not be affected by other cats trying to hit it. The weaknesses of this are that the parts might come off as shown in the video that that parts can come off.
It is getting in the way mainly because it may aggravate the cat because it is poking near the inside of the ear as well as poking into the cat's cheeks.
Areas for improvement for this invention is that you can change the helmet around so it's not constantly poking the cat in the ear as well as its cheeks.
We can more information from the person who made and came up with it as well as other people who have 3d printed out one for their own cat.
We will know we have succeeded when cats feel comfortable to wear the full amour without just falling over or trying to get it off of them.
When this can cause a problem is when it hurts the cat.
People should know about this because they may want to see their cats wearing cool armour. We have allowed this to happen because there aren't really any problems with hat cat Armour, and it looks cool.
This is similar to another amour for cats or other costumes for animals.

I did some research to find a second source to back up the article and found a video that the creator of 3d cat armour made, I also found an article about it as well, here is the link to both.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Novel Study - I am Malala

 Hi guys today in Wananga we are working on our novel study work. I have already read the chapters 14-17 so now I have to do the activities. The activities that we have to do is writing a Summary, doing a Vocabulary, and make an inspirational quote from something that Malala has said. Here is my work and I hope you enjoy.

Summary - 

Chp 14
Her father had wanted her to learn more English so he had given her some shows to watch, the first one named Ugly Betty and Mind Your Language. She did learn some words from the shows but it was mostly in weird accents because of Mind Your Language was spoken in a very strong British accent. Few schools had been blown up during some time. Malala's teacher had sent messages to the girls who went to her school to say that they can still go to school but not wear their uniforms because it would be too dangerous.

Chp 15
She woke up to gunshots because people of Mingora were celebrating a peace treaty. The peace treaty was that the government would impose Sharia if the Taliban would stop fighting. Sharia is basically all aspects of life. Which meant she would be able to go to school, but women and girls would have to cover themselves in public. She had been continuing on doing interviews about girls right to gain an education. The biggest tv channel in her country (GEO TV) wanted to do an interview with her. Her and her dad had done an interview about it. A teenager had been killed by the Taliban, she had come out of her house with a man who wasn't her husband. 

Malala and her family were moving for a few because the Taliban were forcing them out. They traveled in Safina's family car, there wasn't much room in the car so the the rest of her family was going in a car with her fathers friend. Malala couldn't take her school books with her she wouldn't have enough room, so she had hid them in a bag that was in the guest room of her house. The had said goodbye to their house and did a prayer for their house and left. At least 2 million people had fled their homes. She missed her home, her school, as well as Ugly Betty.

After 3 months she was on her way home, they were driving home, her father had seen the swat valley and started to weep. They reached Mingora and saw the state of it and they all started to cry, it still looked like a warzone. They were scared what their house would look like since they had heard that the houses around them had been looted. When their father had opened the door the first thing they all saw was that their backyard had become a jungle. Her brothers instantly went outside to check on the chickens, they both came back in crying, the chickens weren't there they were just a pile of bones. Malala ran into the guest room to check if her school books were still there, surprisingly they were still there untouched as well. Malala and her father had gone to check on the school to see if anything had happen to it. The school had things painted on the walls and they recon that it had been use for a sniper spot.

Vocabulary - 5 words that you don't know and what they mean.
Campaign - Campaign is an organized course of action to achieve a goal.
Siege - Siege is a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or a building.
Presences - Basically existing or being at a place
Outlawed - Made illegal or banned
Veil - A veil is a piece of material worn by women to conceal their faces.  

Inspirational Quote 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Te Ao Whanui - Treasure Island - Tic Tac Toe

 Hi guys today in Te Ao Whanui I had to look at last weeks work since I was there the whole week since I was sick. What I was reading was something called Treasure island, after I finished the work there was a Tic Tac Toe board we had to do. Here is the work I did for the Tic Tac Toe and I hope you enjoy it.

Recount - The story you just read in your own words pick main events that happened 

There were terrified passengers and crew members watching the ship helplessly not knowing what to do, even though there ship was being thrown around in the sea. The ship was thrown into the entrance of a rocky cave , it was being forced further into the cave. They wanted to jump out in the water and swim to the boats, some decide to actually jump out of the boat and swim. They made it into a lifeboat but the lucky people who were on the lifeboat they looked terrified at their friends and family slowly sinking into the dark water. There were only fifteen survivors, they were rowing for three days trying to find a suitable place for them to survive. They searched for ways to make fire as well as trying to get food even though it would be super hard to do because there was fifteen people that they had to find food for on an island.
Eighteen months later a ship had come to save them. They were all saved, though two survivors went to go search for the treasure but it was never found.

Write a news paper article as if you were a reporting on the events 

General Grant,

Eighteen months ago General Grant crashed, no-one was sure that there would be any survivors, but news came in that a ship went out and saw some people around fifteen on an island which had an fire pit right in the middle. The boat that the people saw when they were on the island was Amherst. The survivors were saved but there was gold that was on that ship that wasn't recovered. No-one knows where this gold is, apparently there was eighty kilograms of gold from Australia's Victorian gold fields, though there had been rumors that there had been more than eighty kilograms of gold on this ship. 

Make a postcard as if you were stranded on the island

Writing Choice

 Hi guys in Wananga we have been doing some work on the weather we have been having over the few days. First you had to make an infographic on some tips and tricks and some things that have happened. After you finish that you have a choice for two writing prompts. One being writing a letter to Mr. Williams or writing a diary entry. I choose to write a diary entry for what I have seeing and experiencing over the few days. Here is what I wrote and I hope you enjoy.

When it stared to rain I was at home watching some YouTube and I suddenly heard the it was raining pretty hard. I thought nothing of it at first because I thought it would just go away because that's what it normally does. the next day it was raining again pretty hard. I heard from my mum that some places had been flooded and some people wouldn't have to go to school because their schools had been flooded. I still didn't really care because we werent flooded. The next morning it was still raining, I was kind of exhausted because I'm not a morning person, still I got dressed and went to school. During school it was raining hard, when walking outside just to get to another class you would get soaked even if you were wearing a jacket. Near the starting of one of the lane ways there was a huge puddle. When school ended I was walking to my car and when I got in I was completely soaked. We got home and I looked out my window it was still raining, our backyard looked like a small pond reaching up to a point of our trampoline, it wasn't that high up but it was the low down. My life was impacted during the few days that this has happened besides being soaked whenever I got to walk outside.

Infographic - Weather

 Hi guys today in Wananga we looked at some articles about the Weather we have been having for the past few days. After we had read some of the articles you had to make an Infographic about the Weather and some Tips and Tricks if there is a storm or severe weather like hard rain, strong wind, storms and etc.
I did my infographic on canva, here is my infographic and I hope you enjoy it.