
Thursday, September 24, 2020


Hi guys today we are writing a recount on what we did yesterday at the market day. Here is my recount, hope you all enjoy.

During the first few minutes of school we went and found our table, our table was pretty small so Shanaya and I were about giggly because we had a huge poster. Shanaya and I told Saia to go and take the table outside to the lane-ways outside of the tech rooms, we didn't exactly know where so Shanaya and I walked over to go and find the group who was doing the balloon pop, we found them on the way while walking to go and find them. We looked to go and see where they set up, once we saw where they set up we told Saia to set up next to them. After a few minutes the market day started. Saia stayed at our bay for most of the time. Me and Shanaya went outside to go and find something to do, we walked around and we bought something to drink from our friend Taylor, she was selling rocks and soda cans, the soda cans ran out so fast that she couldn't keep up with all the tokens that she had to put a line through. After walking around we went to our bay, there was a few people there buying lolly bags. After the first person who came to our bay and bought a lolly bag a group of people came over to our bay because our first person said that she told some other people from her school to come to our bay to buy some lolly bags. After the people who came our bay died down a little bit. Mikayla came and had a spin and won our top prize, which was a kit kat chocolate block. After about what felt like ages we ran out of our lollies that we had, Saia then took our money to the bank to confirm that we had sold out of everything that we had. Shanaya and I got bored waiting around so we went out and spent the tokens that we had we bought matching earrings from someone I cant really remember who we got them from but they are really good quality. The money we made from our stuff was $60.50, we had to take away $16.90 which means we made a profit of $43.40, our group made more money than I thought we would. Something I would do next time is probably stay at the stall more. 

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